Albaloo polo

1 1 Jar, preserved morello cherries
2 2-4 Tablespoons, sugar
3 3-4 Tablespoons, slivered almonds, roasted
4 3-4 Teaspoons, dissolved saffron

1 Drain the cherries and place in a frying pan. Add the sugar and allow to reduce on low heat.
2 Cook until the cherries are softened and the juice turns into a t hick syrup (about 10 minutes).
3 Once the rice has been drained, mix half of the rice with cooked cherries and the other half with saffron.
4 Layer the rice in a pot to steam and follow the rest of the instructions.
5 You can alternatively mix the cooked cherries with cooked rice
6 If you are using fresh cherries, remember to add more sugar and cook it longer.

Albaloo polo